Board Meeting

Event Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016
Event End Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016
Event Category / Group: Club Schedule / Members

Spring Run Golf Club Community Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday April 28, 2016

 Open Comment Period
 Pledge of Allegiance & Call to Order Jim Ward
 Roll Call Joy Ellis
 Approval of Annual Meeting Minutes Jim Ward
 Committee Reports (3-5 minutes)
 Architectural Review Larry Keith
 Bocce & Tennis Larry Keith
 Communications Sandy Varnum
 External Affairs Marilyn Edwards
 Finance Eliot Rothwell
 Fitness Ron Zieziula
 Golf Ron Zieziula
 Greens Jim Rock
 House Carol Furtwengler
 iLife Bill Furtwengler
 Landscape Committee Nancy Camodeca
 Neighborhood Reps Mark Michel
 Planning Jim Bartl
 Privacy and Safety Sandy Varnum
 General Manager Report Michael Zigler
 Old Business Items requiring Board Action
 New Business Items requiring Board Action
 Approval of Committee Member Assignments
 Approval of the Master Calendar

The next Meeting is on Thursday May 26, 2016 at 3 PM (TBD)

IX. Adjournment
If you have any comments or questions pertaining to any items listed on this agenda, please email them to Iva at [email protected]. Thank you. Rev. April 21 2016