S11: "How To Be a Great Pack Leader"

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Event Location:
Lakeview Room


 S11: "How to Be a Great Pack Leader"

February 13, 2018  |  10:00-12:00 pm

Description: 95% of dog behavior problems disappear when owners provide strong leadership for their canine companions! Learn how to control resources, establish and humanely enforce rules, and practice leadership rituals to help your dog recognize you as the strong, dependable, consistent, and non-confrontational leader he/she wants to follow. Pet owners will obtain valuable information they can use right away to improve their canine’s behavior, including a Leadership Guide, helping to supercharge their bond with their dog. This is just for dog owners. Please do not bring your pets.
Designed for: All dog owners
Facilitator: Joe De Simone (Guest Presenter - Canine Command Dog Training)