G10: "Mexico's (Governance, Security, and Immigration)/USA's Posture"

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Event Time:
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Event Location:
Lakeview Room


 G10: "Mexico’s (Governance, Security, and Immigration)/USA’s Posture"

February 20, 2018  |  10:00-12:00 pm

Description: As a nation, Mexico is struggling with numerous issues that impinge on the USA. Mexico’s war on drugs, struggle with public safety, immigration, the lack of satisfaction with its democracy and relationship with the United States are but a few of the issues that may or may not require our expanded attention. Trade agreements (NAFTA), weapons control, economic challenges and Trump Administration policies and actions are influencing the decisions of Mexico’s business community. Following an overview of these issues, participants will have an opportunity to discuss their perspectives about Mexico’s strengths’ and weaknesses and the relationship and role of the United States in these matters.
Designed for: Anyone interested in learning more about Mexico, immigration, and the relationships the US shares with Mexico
Facilitator: Jim Bartl