H18-2 Understanding Cancer: Debunking Myths and More

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Event Time:
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Event Location:
Greens Room


H18-2: "Understanding Cancer: Debunking Myths & More"

February 23, 2018  |  1:00-2:30 pm

Description: Cancer is such a serious and somber subject but it is important to understand its true nature. In 2016 over 1.5 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed and over half a million died from the disease. Despite the millions of people living with cancer in the United States today, the overall cancer death rate has declined since the early 1990s. This trend shows that progress is being made against the disease, but much work remains. The front line of the battle against cancer starts with education. Cancer is a disease where myth can bring an end to a life. That's where organizations like Florida Gulf Coast University's Cancer Research Program come in. One of their goals is to educate the public about the biological basis of cancer to help debunk myths, and increase general understanding about cancer. 
Designed for: Anyone interested in learning more about cancer and current cancer research at FGCU 
Facilitator: Nicole Mamprejew (Guest Presenter - FGCU Cancer Research Program)