S14-Understanding Ballot Language on Proposed Changes to Florida's Constitution
S14 Understanding Ballot Language on Proposed Changes to Florida’s Constitution
October 19, 2018 - 10:00-11:30 am
Description: Changes to the Florida Constitution can be proposed by a joint resolution of the Florida Legislature, citizens’ initiative process, the constitutional revision commission, or the taxation and budget reform commission. Proposed amendments require 60% approval from voters to pass. The Constitutional Revisions Commission has submitted eight sets of proposed revisions to the Florida Constitution that voters will see on the ballot on Tuesday, November 6th. In addition, there are five other initiatives/amendments/revisions proposed by the Florida Legislature or special interest groups. This session will discuss each of the thirteen constitutional amendments/revisions and show the ballot language so that participants can make informed decisions regarding voting. Pros and cons will be examined. This session will NOT include discussion of any political candidate or party affiliation. This is strictly an information session to simplify ballot language regarding the thirteen proposed constitutional amendments and revisions for Florida voters.
Purpose: Understand the Florida 2018 ballot measures
Facilitator: Terri Socol