A1-2 The Art of Crafting

Event Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Event Time: 9:00 am
Event End Time: 12:00 pm
Event Category / Group: iLife / Fitness & Activities
Event Location: Greens Room

A1-2 The Art of Crafting - Lighthouse
Description: Although arts and crafts often fit together, they are different processes. Art involves unstructured activities in which you can explore your imagination, whereas crafts involve structured activities with a specific goal in mind. Research shows that crafting can have quite a lot in common with mindfulness and meditation. Essentially, crafting is reported to have a positive impact on mind health and well-being. Complete a craft project in a single class session. All supplies and materials are provided for a suggested donation of $20 per participant. Registrations are limited to 12 participants per session and will be on a first come, first served basis. There will be a waitlist started when necessary.
Purpose: Create a craft project in one session
Facilitator: Patti Kraska
