H20-2 Wine and Line Dancing

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Event Location:
Dining Room Dance Floor

H20-2 Wine and Line Dancing
February 17, 2019 - 4:00-6:00 pm
Description: Line dancing is exactly what its name implies: people dancing in lines to music. Line dances are choreographed dances with a repeating series of steps that are performed in unison by a group of people in lines or rows, most often without the dancers making contact with one another. Basic line dances focus on movements of the legs and feet, with more advanced dances including the arms and hands, and the movements of a line dance are marked as “counts” where one count generally equals one musical beat, with a particular movement or step taking place at each beat. But don’t be intimidated at the sound of counting out choreographed steps! It all comes much more naturally than you would think. Also, a little wine never hurts! Happy hour priced drinks will be available to participants. Join in on the fun as we learn the choreography for two different line dances. You and other participants won’t be able to resist showing off these routines at the next neighborhood gathering or party at the clubhouse.
Purpose: Learn two line dances over drinks (drinks optional)
Facilitator: Patti Fitzgerald, Kim Corso