S16: Social Media and Online Safety
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1:00 pm
3:00 pm
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Greens Room
S16: Social Media and Online Safety
February 13, 2020 · 1:00-3:00 pm
Description: The internet is a powerful and useful tool, but in the same way that you shouldn't drive without buckling your seat belt or ride a bike without a helmet, you shouldn't venture online without taking some basic precautions. Does what you post on social media really matter? Who will see it? What if you just want to rant or show your passion about something? What about those pesky passwords? What a pain! Why is it so important to choose different and complex passwords for each online account? How about my grandchildren surfing the web – how bad can it be? Lee County Sheriff's Office crime prevention specialists explain how people get into trouble. You can ruin your reputation, criminals can pretend to be someone they're not, and your money can be stolen in a flash. Learn ways to stay safe and use the internet safely for business or for fun.
Purpose: Ways to stay safe online
Facilitator: Heather Turco (Guest Presenter - Crime Prevention, Lee County Sheriff's Office)
February 13, 2020 · 1:00-3:00 pm
Description: The internet is a powerful and useful tool, but in the same way that you shouldn't drive without buckling your seat belt or ride a bike without a helmet, you shouldn't venture online without taking some basic precautions. Does what you post on social media really matter? Who will see it? What if you just want to rant or show your passion about something? What about those pesky passwords? What a pain! Why is it so important to choose different and complex passwords for each online account? How about my grandchildren surfing the web – how bad can it be? Lee County Sheriff's Office crime prevention specialists explain how people get into trouble. You can ruin your reputation, criminals can pretend to be someone they're not, and your money can be stolen in a flash. Learn ways to stay safe and use the internet safely for business or for fun.
Purpose: Ways to stay safe online
Facilitator: Heather Turco (Guest Presenter - Crime Prevention, Lee County Sheriff's Office)