H9: Diabetes: Exploring the Various Treatment Options

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Event Time:
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Event Location:
Greens Room

H9: Diabetes: Exploring the Various Treatment Options
March 10, 2020
· 2:00-3:00 pm
Description: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approximately 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes each year. The prevalence of diabetes in the United States is estimated at more than 30 million or 9.4% of the population. Another 86 million Americans have Prediabetes. Diabetes is particularly common among aging Americans; more than one-quarter of those aged 65 years and older has diabetes (nearly half of all adults older than 65 have prediabetes). A number of disorders are grouped under the umbrella of diabetes, usually identified by type. Each type is distinct in terms of what causes it, how it's treated, and the complications that can arise. Treatment varies for each individual, not simply based on the type of diabetes that they have, but also on their individual health. Education (learning how to count carbohydrates, how to read nutrition labels, etc.) and working with a team of health care professionals are essential to self-managing this condition.
Purpose: Learn about the various types of diabetes, blood sugar goals and treatment modalities
Facilitator: Sharon Krispinsky (Guest Presenter - Lee Health)