F3: Long Term Care

Event Date: Friday, November 19, 2021
Event Time: 10:00 am
Event End Time: 11:30 am
Event Category / Group: iLife / Fitness & Activities
Event Location: Greens Room + Zoom


Long-term care (and the ancillary needs around long-term care) is something that is often overlooked and an area of growing concern in America. Statistically, 52% of people over the age of 65 will need some level of long-term care services ranging from intermittent in-home care to extensive nursing home/memory care. The nationwide average cost of nursing home care in 2020 was $82,125, and this figure is projected to inflate by approximately 4% per year. It is important to know what long-term care is, where care can be received, and the various ways to fund your care.
Purpose: Learn important planning aspects involving long-term care needs
Facilitator: Aaron Pierce (Guest Presenter - Mutual Trust Family Office)