G10: Nuclear Proliferation since 1945

Event Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Event Time: 2:00 pm
Event End Time: 4:00 pm
Event Category / Group: iLife / Fitness & Activities
Event Location: Lakeview Room

The issue of nuclear weapons proliferation has preoccupied U.S. policy makers since the Manhattan Project's first detonation of a plutonium device at dawn on July 16, 1945 at a test site known locally as "The Day of the Dead." The most serious diplomatic effort at containing proliferation came not long after the U.S.-USSR face-off over the Soviet Union's introduction of nuclear-tipped missiles in Cuba during the summer and fall of 1962. Fast-forward to the present and the focus of multilateral non-proliferation efforts is on containing Iran's nuclear program through the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which has had ups and downs across three presidencies since 2015. There are strong views on all sides, and the JCPOA will be with us for years to come.
Purpose: Lessons Learned to date from 75 years of the nuclear era with global proliferation of military arsenals
Facilitator: Peter Borré (Guest Presenter - Canonical Advocate)