Golf Course Re-Grassing Tour

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
8:00 am


Event Location:
Spring Run Golf Course

10 more spots added!

In February the golf course re-grassing project started with the first spray application to kill off our existing turf. Fairly quickly, the turf turned brown and before we knew it, the project was well underway. Though the brown grass temporarily improved golfers' scores with more generous bounce and roll, the course's appearance was jarring to say the least. Barely four months later, though, the new grass is already growing in inviting members to think of greener pastures and pristine course conditions soon to come. So how much work goes into re-grassing a 72 acre golf course? How is our particular re-grassing going? Join Spring Run Golf Course Superintendent, Joey Smallwood, for this guided golf cart tour of the course and re-grassing project. Participants will get to see areas that have grown in perfectly vs areas that are struggling as well as what the club is doing to remediate any issues. Participants will also learn cultural practices the club plans on implementing to continue moving forward towards the re-opening of the golf course. Headcount limit of 20
Purpose: Golf cart tour of golf course
Facilitator: Joey Smallwood