H17-1: Medicare 101: Understanding the Basics and Private Options
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Event Date:
Event Time:
10:00 am
12:00 pm
Event Location:
Lakeview Room
are many important facts you need to understand about Medicare prior to
enrolling to make sure you get the most out of the available plans and
benefits. During this educational seminar you will learn what Medicare covers
and what it doesn't along with how to apply and how to avoid possible
penalties. We will go into detail how private insurance plans work with
Medicare. We will also explain how you can make changes to your plan, and what
to know when selecting a plan that is best for you.
Purpose: Learn about Medicare along with how and when to sign up or make changes to your plan
Facilitator: Andrea Munao (Guest Presenter - Informed Choice)
Purpose: Learn about Medicare along with how and when to sign up or make changes to your plan
Facilitator: Andrea Munao (Guest Presenter - Informed Choice)