G8: Taiwan - The Ragged Edge

Event Date: Friday, January 27, 2023
Event Time: 1:00 pm
Event End Time: 3:00 pm
Event Category / Group: iLife / Fitness & Activities
Event Location: Lakeview Room

By 2049, "Taiwan and the People's Republic of China will be reunited – peacefully or by force," so says, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the People's Republic of China. President Biden frequently states that the U.S. will come to the aid of Taiwan. Does the U.S. have a mutual defense treaty with Taiwan? If not, how will the U.S. respond if China conducts a military invasion? What are the risks to the U.S.? In defending their homeland, will the Taiwan military fight like the freedom fighters of Ukraine or those of Afghanistan? Should the U.S. insist that Taiwan – and any Asian country relying on our military might – spend the same 3.2% of GDP on military weapons? Could an amphibious or airborne attack on Taiwan succeed? If Japan becomes engaged in a kinetic war with China over any of its disputed islands, will the U.S. respond so as to help Japan? Would a blockade of Taiwan succeed? What are the likely scenarios of a Chinese invasion? What would be the impact on U.S. relations with Japan, Australia, etc. – if the U.S. refuses to come to the aid of Taiwan?
Purpose: Learn more about Taiwan and its relationship with the U.S.
Facilitator: Mike Quinlan