T5: The Impact of Digitization and AI on the Future of Humanity - Regulation of Technology

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Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Event Location:
Lakeview Room

Policymakers today face a different environment for information and communications technology than the one for which they designed policies. Information and communication technologies are far more pervasive than they were previously: More people today have access to a mobile phone than to electricity, powering exponential growth in global data generation. With information and communication technologies approaching ubiquity, policymakers' next challenge is to ensure that individuals, businesses, and governments are making the best possible use of networks and applications. What effect does the mass adoption of connected digital technologies and applications have on the economy, society, and the functioning of the public sector? What about the movement of artificial intelligence from invention to explosive application? What are its current and future capabilities? How do we develop rules that will regulate a positive human/AI relationship moving forward?
Purpose: Learn about the impact of digitization and AI along with regulation of technology
Facilitator: John Rittenhouse (Guest Presenter - Shadow Wood)