G5: The Great Canadian Road Trip

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Event Location:
Lakeview Room

The question isn't "why would you want to drive across Canada?" so much as "why wouldn't you want to?" If you love nature, fascinating culture, kind people, and lots of adventures, then you should consider taking that epic Canadian road trip. At the right time of year the drive around Lake Superior and across the prairies is beautiful and full of interesting destinations. Even Canadians are shocked by the diversity of the people and landscape when traversing the country. You'll be moving through a range of cultures, languages and dialects, provinces, time zones, and topographies that are all fascinating and very Canadian. Don't be overwhelmed by Canada's size: Embrace it and tackle it head-on with the ultimate Canadian road trip.
Purpose: Take a road trip across Canada through the eyes of a Canadian
Facilitator: Paula Lockhart