G2: China Dream 2049 Will Not Happen! But if it does, what does that mean for the US?
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Event Time:
10:00 am
12:00 pm
Event Location:
Lakeview Room
There are 11 formidable reasons standing in the way of China achieving its goal of displacing the United States as the #1 economy…#2 military…#1 geopolitical global hegemon. History has proven to be unpredictable. If China does displace the US, the implications are immense. China will be able to shape all economic and political outcomes to its preference. China will set standards, laws, and diplomacy. Countries that resist will face sanctions, tariffs, and penalties. Will the WTO and the UN be marginalized? Look no further than the treatment of Uyghurs, Tibet, Australia, and Hong Kong. The US cannot turn its back on the Indo-Pacific area. We will explore what can and must be done. Our goal is not existential – we do not want to defeat China or force regime change. Rather, we want both China and Taiwan to co-exist and thrive without the threat of a war – wherein everyone will lose.
Purpose: Learn about China's dramatic growth and the implications for the US and the rest of the world
Facilitator: Mike Quinlan
Purpose: Learn about China's dramatic growth and the implications for the US and the rest of the world
Facilitator: Mike Quinlan