F6: I'm a Trustee, now what?

Event Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Event Time: 10:00 am
Event End Time: 12:00 pm
Event Category / Group: iLife / Fitness & Activities
Event Location: Lakeview Room

Have you been named trustee? Have you selected a trustee or are you in the process of choosing one now? It's important to understand what that role entails. Trustees must deal with both money and people. You might be more worried about the financial aspects, but the people may prove to be the greater challenge. What common mistakes do trustees often make and how can they be avoided? Important considerations include selecting a trustee, planning for the distribution of wealth, funding your trust, consolidating your assets and how to prepare if you become incapacitated. Through real-life scenarios, learn how trustees can become more aware of their responsibilities and active participants in the decisions impacting their families.

Purpose: Learn what it takes to be a trustee and why selecting the proper trustee is so important, and hear real-life examples of what can go wrong if you don't choose wisely

Facilitators: Dennis Landfried, Joe Cleveland, David Frye, Philip Fincher, Dallas Revord (Guest Presenters – FineMark Bank)