Activities Meeting

Event Date: Monday, August 18, 2014
Event Time: 3:00 pm
Event End Date: Monday, August 18, 2014
Event End Time: 4:00 pm
Event Category / Group: Club Schedule / Members


1. Call to order - Gary Orten

2. Roll call of members, record of guests - Trish

3. Reading/Approval of 4/7/14 meeting minutes - Trish

4. Review of website updating - organization, schedule of meetings, calendar of events, minutes etc.

5. Tennis report - Glenn Mattson

    a. plans for next season Nov. - Apr.

    b. summer maintenance of courts and area

    c. projects - landscaping

6. Bocce report - Miland Meek

    a. plans for next season Nov. - Apr.

    b. projects - bulletin board, storage, clearing of back court vegetation

7. Enrichment report - Bill Furtwengler

    a. plans for next season Nov. - Apr.

    b. equipment, material and support needs

8. Fitness report - Ellen Culver

    a. summer activities, use of facilities

    b. organization and maintenance of fitness equipment

    c. program plans and needs

9. Other business

    a. proposed operational budget, capital expenditures, capital reserve for activities - Mike Zigler

    b. clubhouse activities bulletin-information board 

10. Adjournment - next scheduled meeting - Friday, Nov. 7, 2014 3pm. EST Conf. room