Annual Board Meeting

Event Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Event Time: 2:00 pm
Event End Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Event Category / Group: Club Schedule / Members

Spring Run Golf Club Community Association, Inc.

Annual Meeting

Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Lakeview Room


  • Open Comment Period  
  • Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance Jim Ward
  • Roll Call Joy Ellis
  • Approval of Minutes Jim Ward
  • March 26, 2015 Annual Meeting; February 25, 2016 Regular Meeting
  • Presidential Review and Comments Jim Ward
  • Committee Reports

Architectural Review Ron Klocke

Bocce & Tennis Ron Zieziula

Communications Sandy Varnum

External Affairs Marilyn Edwards

Finance Eliot Rothwell 

Fitness Ron Zieziula

Golf Ron Zieziula

Greens Jim Rock

House Carol Furtwengler

iLife Bill Furtwengler

Landscape Committee Nancy Camodeca

Neighborhood Reps Mark Michel

Planning Jim Bartl

Privacy & Safety Sandy Varnum

  • Old Business
  • Election of Directors Neighborhood Representatives
  • Acknowledge Exiting Board Members Jim Ward    

     X.  Adjournment                                                               Jim Ward

Request New Board to Convene in Ten Minutes



Spring Run Golf Club Community Association, Inc.

Organizational Board Meeting

Wednesday March 30, 2016 following the Annual Meeting



  • Call to Order General Manager
  • Roll Call General Manager
  • Election of Officers    General Manager
  • Committee Assignments President
  • New Business
  • Announcements                                                                    President
  • Next Meeting Date  – Thursday April 28 2016 (tentative) 
  • Adjournment                                                                         President             

Rev. Mar 25, 2106