S7. The Constitution, Government & Political Process

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10:00 am - 12:00 pm


S7. The Constitution, Government & Political Process
February 21, 2017 - 10:00-12:00 pm
Description: A lawyer whose practice included US Supreme Court and Circuit Court of Appeals cases and who served as a Presidential appointee in charge of major US Environmental Protection Agency programs will discuss issues of concern to most of us, such as: how US government elections and behavior are enormously skewed away from "one person, one vote,” how the Constitution's provisions for the US Senate -- 2 senators for every state -- skew our government away from the "one person, one vote" concept, and how Congressional laws (statutes) and executive agency and independent agencies' regulations issued to "flesh out" those laws work -- or don't work -- together in our complex, fast-changing world.
Designed for: People concerned in any direction, or simply curious, about how our federal government works
Facilitator: Roger Strelow (Guest Presenter, Copperleaf)