T5. Cosmology: Exploring the Mysteries of the Universe

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10:00 am - 12:00 pm


T5. Cosmology: Exploring the Mysteries of the Universe
February 24, 2017 - 10:00-12:00 pm
Description: Cosmology is the study of the universe from its infancy to today and ultimately to its end. Universities, institutions, government agencies (NASA) and theological seminaries are investing billions of dollars each year to find answers to the most puzzling questions facing our species. Are we alone or, otherwise stated, “Why are we alone in the universe?” What’s new with SETI? What is the nature of time? What are these new and strange objects (for example: black holes, the God particle) of the cosmos and micro world? How did the universe begin and what is its destiny? What is the relationship between the universe and mankind? What is dark matter and dark energy and why don’t we sense it? This presentation will also address cosmological paradoxes.
Designed for: Members interested in learning more about the field of Cosmology
Facilitator: Scott Flaig (Guest Presenter, Shadow Wood)