NR Meeting

Event Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Event Time: 3:00 pm
Event Category / Group: Club Schedule / Members


PLEASE CONFIRM your attendance NOW to Marianne at

[email protected] by replying to this email.

If you cannot attend, please email who will represent your section.

Neighborhood Representatives Council Agenda

Tuesday, February 13 at 3 pm

1&2. Call to Order; Pledge of Allegiance; Roll Call

Neighborhood Representatives and Alternates; OK Minute

Pres. Comments—

3. Nominating Committee Update—Vince Corso

4. Safety and Privacy Committee—Jim Vohs

5. Neighborhood Brochures Update—Mark Oroyan

6. Roof Committee/Irma Report—Vince

7. Leadership Education And Development activities—Mark

8. Any Other Impact Items We Should Be Discussing?

9. Any Community Comments?

10. SR BOD Report – Jim Rock

11. NRC Nominating Report on Pres. & VP—Dennis

12. Review RSM McGladrey Report on FL Club Trends —PowerPoint


***NEXT MEETING DATE March 13***


Copies: SR BoD Members, SR GM