G4: "Brexit...The Future of the EU and Europe"
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9:30 am
11:30 am
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Lakeview Room
G4: "Brexit… the Future of the EU and Europe"
January 12, 2018 | 9:30-11:30 am
Description: 2017 will likely be the year that will determine if the E.U. survives - or whether we take a back-step in history and watch the entire European continent be Balkanized. The U.K. is leaving, will Scotland follow with another referendum vote to split off from the United Kingdom? Will the stronger countries continue to agree to pay for unsustainable social and welfare programs of the southern, weaker members? The mass migration is still happening, albeit no longer reported on our front pages. Will the E.U. figure out a way to assimilate the migrants who arrive with little or no education? How will the high crime rate among immigrants, especially the unemployed (upwards of 50%) youths be dealt with when police, medical, and other public safety officials will not answer calls in certain areas. 2017 will likely be the “year of years” for the E.U. - and Europe of the future.
Designed for: Anyone interested in making sense of recent events in European countries
Facilitator: Mike Quinlan