S4: "Astrology Today: A Case Study"

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Event Time:
9:30 am - 11:30 am


Event Location:
Dining Room


S4: "Astrology Today: A Case Study"

January 26, 2018  |  9:30-11:30 am

Description: Truth is stranger than fiction and in the case of being an astrologer this is most certainly the case. In the US roughly one million people a year consult astrologers. Clients come seeking guidance to a whole host of problems ranging from the purely material and financial, professional and romantic, to the spiritual and esoteric. It should come as no surprise, then, that some of the more unique examples are investigated more closely as case studies. Through the investigation of a unique case study, we get to examine how the concepts and principles of astrology are applied in today’s modern world.
Designed for: Anyone interested in learning about a unique case study in astrology
Facilitator: Peggy Schick