H10: "The Opioid Epidemic: Personal Tragedy Leads to Positive Change"

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Event Time:
9:30 am - 11:30 am


Event Location:
Dining Room


 H10: "The Opioid Epidemic: Personal Tragedy Leads to Positive Change"

February 9, 2018  |  9:30-11:30

Description: Steve was a Dean’s List student with a degree in Economics. He ran marathons and excelled in sports. He was also a gifted musician and part of a band. But after suffering a life-changing injury to his back, Steve needed a way to manage his chronic pain for the remainder of his life. Eventually he was prescribed opioids by a well-intentioned doctor who had been taught that opioids were safe and effective for long-term use. Steve became addicted to painkillers, and eventually began getting prescriptions for opioids from more than one doctor. The disease of addiction had “hijacked” his brain until it ultimately killed him. More people are now dying from drug overdoses in the U.S. than die from car crashes. Steve’s parents, Judy and Bill Rummler, have worked to bring awareness and solutions to the opioid epidemic through their nonprofit organization, the Steve Rummler Hope Network, and through their leadership of the FED UP! Coalition, a national coalition of organizations calling for federal action to end the epidemic. Join Bill and Judy as they share what they have learned about the causes of this public health crisis. Listen as they discuss their successes… and the many challenges that remain.
Designed for: Anyone interested in learning about some of the causes and many of the consequences of this epidemic, as well as possible approaches to dealing with the crisis on a national as well as personal level.
Facilitators: Judy and Bill Rummler (Guest Presenters - Shadow Wood Preserve)