T3 Facebook Fundamentals
T3 Facebook Fundamentals
April 5, 2019 - 3:00-5:00 pm
Description: Say what you want about social media, but you can't deny how useful it is for staying in touch with or at the very least keeping tabs on loved ones all across the globe. With over a billion users, you either already have a Facebook account or you have friends and family who do. Facebook's power for connectivity can be a double edged sword. While it connects you with people you care about, you can also be connected (not by your choosing) with scammers and trolls. It's important to know how to control who has access to the information on your profile and how to spot a scammer. Another piece of advice: don't feed the trolls. For better or for worse, Facebook is the most vast community of users available on the planet. You don't have to be the most savvy user to get the most out of Facebook, but a good working knowledge of the fundamentals sure doesn't hurt. Participants are required to have their Facebook profile started including access to the email they used for their Facebook account.
Purpose: Learn basic terms and how to use the main features of Facebook
Facilitators: Iva Sokolik