Public Market vs. Private Investing

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11:00 am - 12:00 pm



Public Market vs. Private Investing
Tuesday, December 4th 2018 | 11:00-12:00 pm
Description: Join us for a lively discussion on the pros and cons of investing in publicly traded stock and bond markets compared to investments in non-publicly traded investments. Private investing comes in all shapes and sizes; from providing a mortgage to children and grandchildren, investing in a family business, investment real estate ownership or opportunities to invest in operating businesses run by others. We’ll discuss how to approach each investment type, how to evaluate potential investments, how to structure your investments, and other keys to maximizing your probability of success. While no specific investments will be discussed, numerous practical examples will be used to demonstrate important distinctions.
Purpose: Learn about stocks and bonds vs non-publicly traded investments
Facilitator: Brad Campbell (Guest Presenter - Integra Capital Advisors)