C8 Versatile Vinaigrettes

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2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


C8 Versatile Vinaigrettes
March 20, 2019 - 2:00-4:00 pm
Description: We expect a lot from oil and vinegar dressings, or vinaigrettes, as they’re also called. Even the simplest one is asked to do nothing less than defy the laws of nature. That’s because oil and vinegar don’t mix. No doubt you’ve seen this yourself - shake up a bottle of salad dressing and the two parts come together. Set the bottle down and in seconds they start to separate again until all the oil is at the top and all the vinegar is at the bottom. The best we can do is encourage them to come
together for a little while, which they grudgingly do, provided we shake, stir or otherwise mix them up really well. That is called a temporary emulsion - temporary because the oil and vinegar begin to separate as soon as you stop mixing or stirring. Once you’ve mastered the magic ratio of oil to vinegar, you can experiment with endless combinations of oils, vinegars, and other add-ins to create the perfect vinaigrette for any dish. $15 per participant - cash only.
Purpose: Learn how to make the perfect vinaigrette for any occasion
Facilitator: Jon England