Adventures in Australia and New Zealand
Adventures in Australia and New Zealand
Thursday, April 11th 2019 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Lakeview Room
Some of the world's most stunning vistas and natural wonders can be found in Australia and New Zealand. Sharing a British colonial heritage, a visit to these two countries gives you a sense of their native and European cultures. Many cruises and tours bundle Australia and New Zealand together for the ultimate vacation experience. But rather than paying the expensive fare or taking the multiple flights (one flight takes over 13 hours!) join us for this special photo tour of these popular destinations. From Aussie Beauty to Kiwi Charm, come see the sights and hear the stories from this 20 day voyage to Australia and New Zealand.
You may sign up online through the Spring Run website or by contacting the Activities Office.
We hope to see you there!