H2: 12 Ways to Better Posture

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Event Date:

Event Time:
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Event Location:
Greens Room

H2: 12 Ways to Better Posture
October 21, 2019
· 1:00-3:00 pm
Description: October is Chiropractic Health month! Celebrate by learning about and practicing good posture to improve your health. Good posture will do more to keep you looking youthful as the years go by than a facelift or Botox. And the benefits of maintaining your bone health are much more than skin-deep. Although a stooped posture may seem to go hand in hand with old age, you can help prevent the characteristic rounding of the spine that is often caused by osteoporosis and the vertebrae in the upper and middle spine. Posture is one of the windows to good health. Examine 12 strategies for improving your posture and learn easy ways to look and feel younger.
Purpose: Learn how to improve posture for good health
Facilitator: Dr. Vivian Ebert (Guest Presenter - Living Well Chiropractic)