S3: Birds of Spring Run
S3: Birds of Spring Run
March 3, 2020 · 2:00-4:00 pm
Description: Birding and bird watching mean the same thing - the observation of live birds in their natural habitat. Whether you enjoy bird watching to spot a new species, or to capture them in photographs, birding is something you can do in your own back yard, your local park or anywhere you travel. Southwest Florida offers a wealth of birding possibilities thanks to the large number of refuges, parks and protected areas. Spring Run's ideal setting and eco-friendly operations provide a sanctuary for wildlife that attracts a bounty of beautiful birds to our community. Some of the more common birds of Southwest Florida can be spotted in Spring Run along with some less commonly observed species. Come learn about the different birds that frequent Spring Run and how to identify them.
Purpose: Birding in Spring Run
Facilitators: Ted Hoffman, George Taylor