H12 Flatstick Fix

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Event Location:
Golf Practice Area

Flatstick Fix

You read almost every putt, but if you're like most players, your routine is guesswork disguised as green-reading. You're not the only one reading, and weeping, on the greens. Regardless of skill level, putting accounts for approximately 43% of your total strokes, taking into account your good putting days and the ones where you're ready to snap your flatstick over your knee. Lower this percentage and your scores will go down. Allocate at least one-third of your practice time to becoming the best putter you can be. Participants are asked to meet in the Golf Shop with their clubs prior to class. Registration limit of 10 participants per session.
Purpose: Improve your putting game
Facilitator: Jeff Carter