S14-2 Spring Run's Environmental Excellence

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
7:00 am - 8:30 am


Event Location:
Golf Course

Spring Run's Environmental Excellence

Back in 2009, Spring Run Golf Club's golf course achieved designation as a "Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary" through the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses - an Audubon International Program. Ben Hanshew, Course Superintendent, spearheads the effort to maintain this sanctuary status on our course. Spring Run is the 97th course in Florida and the 789th in the world to receive this honor. Join Ben for a crash course on Spring Run's Audubon Sanctuary status, how we achieved our status and what we must do to maintain it. Participants also will get to take a golf cart tour of our Audubon certified golf course. Registration limit of 16 participants due to cart availability.
Purpose: Learn about Spring Run's efforts to protect our local environment
Facilitator: Ben Hanshew