Distance is not Defined by Age - Learn how to gain 20 to 40 yards off the tee!

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Event Date:

Event Time:
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Event Location:
Lakeview Room

Distance is not Defined by Age - Learn how to gain 20 to 40 yards off the tee!

Too often, golfers begin to see a decline in their game around the age of 55. Not only do they struggle to hit the ball as far as they did before, but they also get off the course feeling sore and defeated. What if there was a way to increase the distance on your drive without hitting a ball or even focusing on your swing? This presentation will introduce the idea of optimizing movements in the correct muscle groups during the golf swing in order to increase your distance off the tee. Once you start using this methodology, you'll be golfing longer, healthier, and happier!
Purpose: Learn how to use your body effectively to gain distance off the tee!