S10: Handgun Safety & Basics
The handgun is the toughest of the three primary firearms to master. Rifles and shotguns are fired from the shoulder, which provides a more stable platform, but a handgun is fired while hanging out there on the end of those noodles we call arms. Learning to shoot a handgun requires a very different skill set. The decision to own a handgun assumes you are prepared to undertake full-time responsibility for your weapon's safety and security. Florida Statutes require a loaded firearm in the home to be stored in a locked box container or secured with a trigger lock if the owner reasonably knows that a child under the age of 16 can gain access to the firearm. You must also assume full-time responsibility for your firearm's safe handling and use, making sure you know how it works and how to maintain it. To put it very simply, all firearms can kill and should be respected and used properly. To qualify for a concealed weapon license, Florida law requires you to submit proof of competency with a firearm. It just goes to show that learning basic firearm safety comes first and foremost. Please note there will be no real handguns at this presentation.
Purpose: Learn about handgun basics & safety, Florida gun laws and get hands on experience with plastic trainers (optional)
Facilitator: Rick Fox