M10: The Science of Thinking I: Healthy Brain Functions - The Basics

Event Date: Friday, January 28, 2022
Event Time: 1:00 pm
Event End Time: 3:00 pm
Event Category / Group: iLife / Fitness & Activities
Event Location: Dining

As we age, our brain's health influences our ability to think, act, live well, adapt to changes, search for meaning and connect with others. Our age-related cognitive decline (a gradual decrease in mental capabilities) needs our attention so we can keep our brain in good health. In the first of a series of 4 independent but related presentations, participants will share a brief experiential learning activity using the I-Gifter program - a toolkit that may be used for brain healthy checkups and for making dynamic improvements. We will examine what happened to our I-Gifter's basic components and functions (your brain and its functions). Topics include sense-making, creating memories, managing routine situations, addressing strangeness, and using time travel.
Purpose: Become familiar with the brain's basic purposes, functions, and sources of influence
Facilitator: Bill Furtwengler