M11: The Science of Thinking II: Choosing Healthy Brain Challenges - The Stories We Tell O
The I-Gifter toolkit consolidates research findings about thinking and explains in simple language how: we think, influence our thinking, and exercise periodic brain-healthy tune ups. In the second of a series of 4 independent but related presentations, participants will share a brief activity, explore the I-Gifter's major influencer, our self-image, the power of storytelling in our lives, and how we choose our goals and actions. We will examine our thought monitoring, image comparisons, emotion and shadow thinking processes along with the anatomical aspects of the I-Gifter's neuroplasticity, and the basic elements of the I-Gifter toolkit for tune ups (dimensions of our self-image, self-image bypasses, the gift of imperfections, creating flow, fear of failure, stepping into an arena, reducing shadow behaviors, elements of interpersonal attractions, and the functions of chemical cocktails.
Purpose: Learn how to begin using elements of the I-Gifter toolkit for brain check-ups and tune ups
Facilitator: Bill Furtwengler