H2: Anti-Aging Posture Workshop
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Event Date:
Event Time:
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Event Location:
Multpurpose Room
often ask if the loss of mobility, flexibility and vitality is just a normal
part of the aging process. The answer is a definite no. Getting older does not
have to result in physical limitations. The common bent over posture of old age
occurs as a result of the body adapting to long-term poor posture. If we let
it, the aging process often begins with avoidance of movement. Some people
begin early in life to limit their activity or what they perceive may cause
pain. Some people limit their activity due to past injuries. The injury causes
abnormal movement patterns which actually result in pain. Many other people
eliminate activity just because they think it will cause discomfort. In some
cases the only limitations we have are those we place on ourselves. Youth is a
feeling, not an age. Think young and be young. Improving your posture not only
leads to improved balance, coordination and function, but an erect stature will
add a lot to our youthful appearance.
Purpose: Review posture exercises and props that help you improve at home
Facilitator: Vivian Ebert (Guest Presenter - Living Well Chiropractic)
Purpose: Review posture exercises and props that help you improve at home
Facilitator: Vivian Ebert (Guest Presenter - Living Well Chiropractic)