F6: Making the Most of Social Security - Retirement Income-Enhancing Strategies

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Event Date:

Event Time:
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Event Location:
Multipurpose Room

Eighty-seven years after President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act on August 14, 1935, Social Security remains one of the nation's most successful, effective, and popular programs. Social Security provides you with a source of income when you retire or if you can't work due to a disability. It can also support your legal dependents (spouse, children, or parents) with benefits in the event of your death. How much Social Security income you'll receive depends on your earnings over your lifetime, the age at which you begin receiving benefits, and whether you're eligible to receive a spouse's benefits instead of your own. While there are a number of ways to maximize your retirement assets, what are some of the more popular methods? How can you ensure that you get to lead your desired lifestyle after your working years?

Purpose: Learn retirement income-enhancing strategies

Facilitators: Aaron Pierce, Scott Schatzle (Guest Presenters - Mutual Trust Advisory Group)