S14: The Scopes/Monkey Trial Unpeeled

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Event Date:

Event Time:
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Event Location:
Lakeview Room

The Scopes trial, originally called "the Trial of the Century," took place in a small eastern Tennessee town called Dayton. Located in Rhea County, Dayton had a population of just 1800 people. This unlikely location was the setting for the May 25th 1925 trial of John T. Scopes for violating what was generally known as the anti-evolution statute of that state. The original characters in the trial included Clarence Darrow, William Jennings Bryan and members from the press from around the country. The most known movie version of the trial, Inherit the Wind, was released in 1960 starring Spencer Tracy, Fredrick March, Gene Kelly and Dick York. Participants are encouraged to screen this film before the presentation but are warned that the movie is mostly fictional.
Purpose: Discuss the Scopes/Monkey trial
Facilitator: Tom Lemon