S5: En-Roads Climate Model
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Event Time:
10:00 am
12:00 pm
Event Location:
Lakeview Room
Climate models are computer programs that simulate weather patterns over time. By running these simulations, climate models can estimate the Earth's average weather patterns - the climate - under different conditions. The En-Roads model, a collaborative effort started by the MIT Sloan School, allows users to explore the impact of roughly 30 policies (such as electrifying transport, pricing carbon, and improving agricultural practices) on hundreds of factors like energy prices, temperature, air quality, and sea level rise. Users can quickly see the long-term effects of climate policies, both state and federal, and how different inputs over time will show different results. What does the En-Roads model have to say about the Biden administration's climate legislation along with various state climate initiatives, including Florida? What can we do as individuals to contribute to the battle against climate change?
Purpose: Learn about the En-Roads climate model and how climate legislation measures up
Facilitator: Bob Place (Guest Presenter - Vasari)
Purpose: Learn about the En-Roads climate model and how climate legislation measures up
Facilitator: Bob Place (Guest Presenter - Vasari)