M1: Brain Enrichment for Healthy Longevity

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Event Time:
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Why should I care about my brain's health? - Because our longevity, in part, depends on the healthiness of our brains. Participants will learn how the brain's mechanisms work, what brain functions we can control, and how we can help create and maintain healthy brains. Study results show that we control the extent to which our brains are mindfully, rather than mindlessly, engaged in the world. And, individuals who are socially engaged and mindful much of the time are happier and live longer than those who choose limited social engagements and are less mindful in their thinking. This interactive presentation is designed to help participants learn more about our amazing brains.
Purpose: Learn how brain mechanisms work and can be controlled, and how brain enrichment practices may improve our memory systems and extend our lives
Facilitators: Bill Furtwengler, Nancy Fazzoni