G3: Curious About Canada

Event Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Event Time: 10:00 am
Event End Time: 12:00 pm
Event Category / Group: iLife / Fitness & Activities
Event Location: Lakeview Room

How much do you actually know about life in the Great White North? The place is beautiful and the people are famous for their niceness. But beyond that, how familiar are you with Canada's system of government and multicultural society? Though we share a lot of similarities, Canada is not just an extension of the US! The second largest country in the world, Canada has plenty to be proud of: gorgeous natural parks, a rich and diverse culture and heritage, a coastline spanning three oceans, Old World charm and New World ideas, hockey. Canada welcomes visitors with wide open arms and vast open spaces. From loonies, toonies and double-doubles to its constitutional monarchy and universal healthcare, there is a lot to learn about our friendly neighbor to the north.

Purpose: Learn about some uniquely Canadian curiosities

Facilitator: Paula Lockhart