Israel's Endless Wars

Event Date: Friday, January 12, 2024
Event Time: 2:30 pm
Event End Time: 4:30 pm
Event Category / Group: Dining & Social / Dining & Social
Event Location: Lakeview Room


Israel's endless wars began in 1948, soon after the 1947 UN vote partitioning British-held Palestine.

The focus of this discussion will be upon the transformational 1967 six-day War; the near catastrophe of the 1973 Yom Kippur War; and the Hamas strategic surprise that triggered the ongoing Gaza incursion.

Peter Borré's public sector experience includes Department of Energy service as the senior intelligence officer; and negotiation of a US-Israel oil supply agreement. In the private sector he has advised the governments of Morocco and Algeria on energy policy.

Join Peter as he explores the 2-state solution (preferred US policy); the 1-state solution (Netanyahu policy); the 3-state solution (current reality); and perhaps the 51st- state solution.

Headcount is limited so please be sure to sign up through the Spring Run website or by replying to this email. A Zoom option will also be available.

We hope to see you there!