M4-4: Intro to Mah Jongg

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Event Location:
Greens Room


Mah Jongg is a popular Chinese game played with a set of tiles. Like many popular games, Mah Jongg has several regional variations, from the Chinese prevailing wind system to American Mah Jongg with special bingo-like scoring cards. Over 6 weeks, participants will get a crash course on American (or Western) Mah Jongg – the version played at the club. The rules and strategies needed to play the game can be intimidating at first, but once they become second nature, the real fun can begin! Luckily, there are lots of online resources at your disposal, from Facebook pages where other beginners ask basic questions to entire websites dedicated to learning the game. The goal is to learn well enough that you are comfortable playing at the clubhouse or at your neighborhood pool. Participants will be provided a National Mah Jongg League card for instructional purposes. The last two weeks will feature friendly play alongside experienced players who can help answer questions in real time.

Purpose: Learn the game of Mah Jongg as played at Spring Run

Facilitators: Susan Crandall, Peggy Schick, Linda Dukauskas, Mary Anne Bennett