M2-1: Euchre 101 - How to Play
Registration Status:
Waitlist Open
Event Date:
Event Time:
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Event Location:
Multipurpose Room
Euchre (and its variations) is the reason why modern card decks were first packaged with jokers, a card originally designed to act as the right and left "bowers" (high trumps). Although later eclipsed by Bridge (as with so many other games of this type), Euchre is still well-known in America and is an excellent social game. However, it can be extremely confusing at first and may seem daunting to learn – especially to someone entirely unfamiliar with the game. This clinic is designed to introduce key facets of the game that will be beneficial to someone who has no background in Euchre. Useful tips and strategies can help new players catch on quickly!
Purpose: Learn how to play the game of Euchre
Facilitator: Rose Lengerich
Purpose: Learn how to play the game of Euchre
Facilitator: Rose Lengerich