H19: Golf Swing Dos and Don'ts
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Event Date:
Event Time:
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Event Location:
Lakeview Room
When pros think about establishing a teaching philosophy, they first take into account that every student and every golf lesson is unique. Although there are certain philosophies any pro has about the golf swing and its overall movements and how Tour players have evolved the swing over time, what they choose to do on the lesson tee all depends on the student and what they bring to the game. Making rapid improvement and achieving your golfing goals can mean different things to different people. Getting the ball airborne or beating your buddies might be a big moment for you; for others, the goal can be to win the club championship. If you are open-minded, persistent and willing to accept that swing changes are uncomfortable but necessary, you will go far.
Purpose: Learn how to help yourself improve your golf swing
Facilitator: Tanner Nipper
Purpose: Learn how to help yourself improve your golf swing
Facilitator: Tanner Nipper