T4: Document Scanning and Sharing Made Simple - Both Apple and Android Users

Event Date: Friday, November 15, 2024
Event Time: 10:00 am
Event End Time: 12:00 pm
Event Category / Group: iLife / Fitness & Activities
Event Location: Lakeview Room

From time to time, we are all faced with a need to scan a physical item such as a paper receipt, a form, an agreement and so forth in order to create an electronic version that can be saved to your computer or mobile device. Typically, we do this because we have a need to send it off to someone electronically which usually means sending it as an attachment to an email or text. Unfortunately, we do this so seldomly now that we never really get any good at it nor even remember how to do it when that important time comes! And even worse if the item you need to scan consists of multiple pages! Now you can finally say goodbye to that complicated process that involves your computer, your printer and often foreboding-looking software. Did you know there is an application that makes this process so much simpler – and with professional results – by using your mobile device, whether that be an iPhone, iPad, Android phone or Android tablet? Both Apple and non-Apple (ie, Android) mobile devices will be covered in this session.

Purpose: Learn how to scan items into PDF files using any of your mobile devices so that it can be easily shared along with the fundamentals of installing apps and sharing files electronically

Facilitator: Brian Freedman