N4: Bridge Series: Suit Bidding

Registration Status:
Waitlist Open

Event Date:

Event Time:
9:00 am - 11:00 am


Event Location:
Greens Room

There are two goals in suit bidding: the first is to communication to partner your suit preference, and the second is to signal the strength of your hand. Bidding is the language of Bridge, and in using only 13 words, signals how many tricks you believe your partnership can take and in which suit. Bidding relays information about the strengths and weaknesses of your hand to your partner. Bids will help you determine the easiest contract to make based on your respective hands. It is therefore important to know the meaning of each bid. Participants will be given the opportunity for open card play during the last hour of this session.

Purpose: Learn the basics of suit bidding in Bridge

Facilitator: Dean Oestreich